Be praying as you read this post. It is a lengthy one! God is doing some truly powerful working in lives right now.
God is talking and people are listening.
Mark and myself included.
What has He been doing in yours lately?
Now, on with the post!
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Kampong Cham is situated on the river. If you follow the highway to your right you will see Suong. |
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This is an ariel map of the town of Suong, located about twenty kilometers from Kampong Cham and seven kilometers from a Vietnamese floating village.
When I first saw the place, Rith's father showed us the land.
one will even know we are here. Then about ten minutes later all these
people started coming down the road to plant rice. Within twenty minutes
there were over one hundred. I looked closer and saw it is right behind
the main street of town. I know or believe this is where God wants us to
start. It will be a witness to hundreds of people every day during the
rainy seasons.
There is no problem with doing fish ponds along side rice paddies.
People are wanting to use land in the best possible ways.
Combining all the different crops, etc. is the only way to go!
I had Rith tell his Dad that I didn't have the money to do this.
That it was coming from my fellowship and many other people in
the US. That we had to have a big cross so every one would know that
Jesus made all this possible. He wants to hear more about this God that
would send someone to help them. Believe me, I will be telling him.
So here's the outline for it all. Sit back. It is going to cost more than I
thought. Always does. But if the Lord wants it to happen, it will.
First of all we can't do anything as far as work until February. After the rainy
season is over. Then we can tractor in the big ponds and make high ground
with dirt from the pond for a house.
To rent land will be 500.00 a year. We can get a five year contract with
another five years after. This lot is 40 x 300 feet. The ponds would take up half.
The other half would be for the fish feeding area and a house.
Big cross 200.00
twenty five feet tall with two solar lights for night
Well pump and water tank 600.00
Power close 200.00 (to bring power in)
Dig ponds 700.00 to 1000.00 depending on if we dig all five at same
time. We think it is best to do all at the same time.
Filters 200.00 each. 1000.00 for five.
We would not need all these at once.
We would start with two filters and add one each month
Fish feed for 7 months 1400.00.
Again, would need two months supply to begin
Wages for one year would be 2400.00.
Two families and Rith book keeper. 200.00 a month
The big expense is the house for Rith, his father, mother and myself all
to live together. The house will be 16 ft x 24 ft with an inside bathroom.
I think the house would cost around 8000.00 with labor.
The bones is that the house will also be house church. There is no
church in this town of about 4000 people. I believe Pastor Adams will
come do a Sunday afternoon service. I have talked to him a little but
going to talk more tomorrow.
About 15000.00 total for first year. Then it will be self supportive.
Not really much when you consider starting a business, wages for two families
and Rith, plus the best church. I never thought of that one. All from the Lord!
I never thought I would be a church planter. As a matter of fact I really
did not want to do that but I think God has a different idea. He usually does!
This will make enough money after the first year to help others start fish farm.
Not as big but one can do very good on two ponds. We want to create five or six
so we are harvesting fish very three to four weeks.
There should be a profit of about 1000.00 from each pond divided four ways.
Rith, his father, my self and the company/ministry.
I really don't need a share but that would let the money that is now coming
to me be used to help others.
Well, there you are.
This is what the Lord has showed me.
I believe it is the right thing to do for many reasons.
First, we can't start till February. We have to wait till after the rice harvest.
So we have six months to come up with money.
Pastor John and many others should be over here before we start.
The piece of land could not be better if you could chose anywhere you wanted.
Don't think you could find a better spot to put a church and cross.
Many will see what is happening!
Oh, also we would be the only foreigners in this town. Wow!
That is kind of what I was looking for.
Some place that hasn't been too corrupted by outsiders.
We would be starting a new thing in a new place. I can't believe
there isn't a church there all ready.
Now I have a lot of work to do.
Talking with government.
Finding what we need to feed to raise organically. Organic fish bring twice as much.
Continuing to talk with Klaus about co-op.
Writing a contract with others help.
Well enough to think about for now.
Please keep praying for us all. We want our decisions, where we place our feet,
the words that we speak and all we do to be for the glory of our Lord Jesus!
Please feel free to leave comments. We really appreciate them!
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