Last week was one of those weeks that make everything worth while.
There are many lonely days with nothing to do but then the Lord fills your week with more blessing than you deserve.
First, Aubry and Rafael left after spending the day with Chinda and myself. Didn't really know what to do with them so Chinda said we would just take them around to meet the people we have been helping. That is a two way street. Want them to see the real Cambodia but don't want the people to feel we are showing them off like in a zoo. Not sure how to handle that one.
Aubry told me afterwards just how much it meant to them. That they got to see village life up front and personal. That they could have never learned what they did just vacationing. That is a fact. I forget that it has taken me almost eight months to do what has been done. We ended up at Tree Of Life Church at lunch time. They fed us a great meal. There were quite a few pastors so that Aubry and Rafael got to talk to many others about what they were doing.
Then that night they took us to dinner. The whole family. All eight of us. The kids really were blessed by it. It was the first since they could remember that they ate at a nice place. We take so much for granted. A big dinner. The kids are still talking about how blessed they were. God is so good. He put me in their life. I am the one being blessed.
It says in Acts 2:12 that he who leaves home, family, children, and land will be blessed beyond measure. Well that is me. I have a nicer home than I have ever had. Bigger family and need nothing for myself. The Lord truly provides.
Then went to Vietnamese church in the morning. Was very good. The age of the the people the same as every church I have fellowshipped at here. 5% 35 an up. 25% 35 to 15. 70% 15 and younger. The only hope I see for Cambodia is to raise the young ones up in Christ so they can change their country. Older people are ingrained in Buddisim. They are afraid to make the spirits angry. It is okay with most for their children to go to church because they see how it changes them but it is not okay for them as the parents. If they do come most still go to the Wat just in case.
At church yesterday an old Monk came to speak to us. I say old for two reasons. He was old and is not a Monk anymore. Two months ago they were getting ready to burn the remains of the chief Monk at his Wat, but as his wife was saying goodbye for the last time his hand moved then he opened his eyes. He had been dead three days. She scearmed and ran. So did many others. They say he smelled bad. He was dead that many days. After he got out of the coffin he started to speak about what had happened to him. Said he went to hell. Saw all the Buddhist were there including his old chief Monk. Then asked the keeper of the gate why all the Buddhist were there. They are good people the keeper said but they didn't believe in Jesus.
The keeper looked in his book and said your name is not in here so then he went to heaven and met St. Peter at the gate. Asked him to come in but said you don't believe in Jesus. You can't come in here and your name is not in the book of life. Then he is laying in a box and he sees all these angels come up and down from heaven. He asked what they are doing. He is told they are taking new names to heaven. Someone that just gave their life to Jesus. Then he woke up and saw his wife. He told everyone around and there were about 500 as he was the chief Monk. So his cremation was a big deal. He told everyone that he believed in Jesus that all the Buddhist were in hell. None in heaven. He told them what had happen to him while he was asleep. Many people and twenty-five Monks gave there life to Jesus right there. But there were others who were angry with him so the police took him away to jail. While in jail he told everybody what happened. All in there, including the police, gave their life to Jesus. Since this has happened they say over 500 monks have received the Lord.
He does still do miracles. The man that was telling the story was an eyewitness to all this. Now his life is dedicated to telling this story wherever he can.
Telling everyone that Jesus is the only way.
The One and only true God.
Well, that was my week!
Would enjoy knowing how yours was!
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