Thursday, May 23, 2013



In Cambodia they aren't really any wrose than in the States. 

Except ants. 

There are about eight different kinds around here. Five big red ones. They bite and it hurts!  Little red ones and little black ones. They sting and it hurts. Then there are two other red and black ones that don't bite. The only way to get rid of them is to mix dish soap and water and put in where they come from their nest. After about three or four times they are gone. But they still come from somewhere! You do not leave food or scraps around.  They must have a very sensitive nose, because they find every little scrap! Need to keep counters and floor very clean. 

Tonight I have a bat for a houseguest. Pretty good size. Always let then stay as they eat the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes only come out in the morning and after the sun goes down. All you have to do is put the fan on you and they can't get to you. they are very small. Malaria isn't around this part of the country. Only five cases here last year. Of course you have to tuck the net in at night :)

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