Monday, July 30, 2012

Pressing into the Lord

Just got back from fellowship this evening and had this incredible email from Mark waiting for me. What a pleasure to read!

Isn't the Lord so cool at re-arranging lives! Maybe you could send a short email encouraging and thanking the Lord with him. 

I know he would appreciate your prayers as he seeks the Lord! 



Well I missed you this morning.  I found  an apartment.  It's more than I wanted to spend but has a few perks.  There are quite a few expats living very close. Also comes with everything. I only have to bring clothes. I have my own little veranda. Nice and quiet.  
I have decided after a sleepless night  that the most important thing I need to do at this time is get close to the Lord again.   After doing everything over there then running around here I have not had time to get back in the Lord's arms.  That is my biggest problem. So I am going to take at least a week to read and study.  Haven't done  that since we first started meeting at McDonald's.  Just been to busy. Now it's time to do it again.  Will take a few small trips but no ministry until I hear from the Lord that it is time and I am in the right place with Jesus.  Not that I am in a bad place. I'm just not where I need to be. I get engrossed in what I am doing then start putting God on the back burner.  Time He is in charge again. So pray that I get what I need out if these next few days. That I am back in the Lord's arms walking hand in hand with Him.
Very nice in-home shower. Clean. Will send pics or at least try. hahahaha  


Well let me see if I can do this again. I just wrote a whole page and lost it. I hate these things. I know it's in here somewhere but I can't find it!

So anyway, my card ran out this morning so went to get some more money on it. I wanted 20.00 but she only put 8.00 on. I'm not sure how that happened but that is the way it goes sometimes. Be happy you got what you wanted. Everything takes a little longer to get done here. But that's not a bad thing. Sometimes when you're waiting you meet people you never thought you would.

I went to a house church with Samnue. It happened to be with the man from the States. Very nice. Met his family. Didn't have much time before church to talk and he wasn't too interested in talking after church. I did get to tell him why I was here and what we hope to do. That a team of six was coming over in January. But he was not very interested. They have been in Cambodia for three years. Eight months here in Kampong Cham. There was only 2 other Cambodians, my self, his wife and their six children. Quite a hand full. Not sure what church they're affiliated with. Like I said didn't want to talk much. Going to go over to his house sometime this week. Pray that God will open minds. Anyway he should be of some help just filling us in on what he has been doing.

He was teaching English but his daughter said the students all quit coming. I'm sure there is more to that story. But like I said I'm sure that he will be able to help some.

While was in village with Rocky who lives by lake Tonle Sap I saw many big boats just like we discussed for the ministry. So we went and talked with a few of boat sellers. We can buy a boat that will work for the ministry and is already built. Will need just a few changes for around 7000. The boat is about 35 feet long and will sleep 5 or 6 inside. We will need a boat to reach the Vietnamese there on the river. Very hard to get to if you don't have boat. There is village right above and across the river. If I can make some relationships with them I think I will be able get to them. So my main point right now is trying to break through. Pray that the photos open doors. That God uses them the way He desires.

What else? So much to remember. It's not that I have done that much. It's just that it takes so much to get things done here. I totally forgot I'm still at US speed. I don't get aggravated at all. It's just the way it is. The things that don't bother me here would drive me crazy back there.

Like bus back from PP. bought a ticket the day before because there are only so many seats. Wanted 10.30 morning bus. No problem. I had seat number forty and so did another guy. He was on the bus first so I took the next bus. I didn't even say a word. It has happened too many times before. If you say anything they just say “yes we did.” Actually they only say “yes.”

Sometimes they decide not to run the bus cause there aren't enough people. Makes sense. Can't pay the expense. No move. You make sure you are one of first ones on the bus. Forgot about that. Not next time!

Real humid today. Road really muddy. Only the highway is paved. So I took my new used moto for a spin. 20 km to next town. Took a photo of three kids but forgot to take extra chip. Put in my printer bag right now. They said all all tom tom. Very good. I didn't stick around because I would have ended up having make a bunch of pics and that is not were we want to be. It was next to Vietnamese village in the pic I sent you. But every one was out fishing. I want to be able to get right close so they can see the photo being made. There is one problem with Vietnamese. I don't have any one that speaks it yet. From what Don said I was going to have hard time doing that. We'll find someone. It's just a matter of looking in the right places. 

Sure wish I could have arrived here about six weeks earlier. But then I wouldn't have had any of my own adventures and couldn't do without those.

I have tell you David I am really out of my league here. I know business. I know what works. I see thing that aren't working before anyone else does. I do the math over and over and over. I look at what others are doing and find the ones that work and try to model mine after them. Maybe a few little changes. But if they're making money and have been why would we want to change anything? I know how to do it in a Godly way.

I know I am putting pressure on myself. Or Satan is. But I feel I'm not the one to do all that needs to get done. I mean just getting into the village to start fish pond or chicken farm is going to two or three months. Trying to get all the other things lined up as well. I'll get it done. Let me tell you it will be a God thing. Don't get me wrong I'm not a quitter. I came here to do what God told me to do no matter the cost and I mean that with everything that I am. It's just that when it comes to talking with a teacher or a doctor, I don't have clue what to say. Seventh grade does not buy you much education. I wish kids could see the consequences of their action. For that matter I wish I could!

Well I know what they are and I am not willing to go there. So anyway what I have decided I need to do is work on the business side of the ministry. Quit worrying about the other things and let God do what he does. If I do what I know then God will fill in the blanks. I just needed to let you know this. I have been putting my self under too much pressure to do things that I don't need to worry about. So just letting you all know. I am okay. Don't worry. I know this going on an on so go through and pick and choose what you put on the blog. But that last part keep to the pray list. What do you think?

I am going to show Disney movie in the lobby tonight. I'll let you know how it goes. It will really be a bid deal here. They don't have a theatre.

Then tomorrow I'm taking the printer to village. Pray that God works in that it opens a door. Talk with you in the morning.

God Bless


I Need to make a statement. I am sure I have said this somewhere before. Think it bears repeating.

Mark writes from his heart what is going on with the ministry in Cambodia. It is not always polished. Not always the best grammar. And I often have to read between the lines to make sure I am understanding what he has written correctly!

This blog site about MFM is not meant to be flashy or loaded with lots of "gloss." It is simply here to convey what the Lord is doing in, through and by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Mark has often asked me to delete certain parts of what he writes. Not!

What you read here is completely and totally all Mark's words. His feelings, His struggles. His joys and convictions. This is all about the journey to which God has called Mark. Read what is written in these blogs with all of the above in mind.

With love from all of us involved with MFM,


Saturday, July 28, 2012


Kids on the road to the shower ( mowien tuk )

Hand died and woven. Takes a little over two weeks to do. She gets eight to twelve dollars depending on how difficult the patten is. This is one of harder ones.  About three weeks to do.

Sealing a boat. The pitch comes from jungle. They get it just like rubber tree. They do this every year. That boat is over 30 years old.   

Lucky = Blessed

Good morning.

Heading out of Phnom Penh at 10:30. Back to Kampong Cham. Be glad to leave here. Too busy. 

But what a good time last night with Lee Lee and Sanat. Talked for about two more hours. They are both going to go to church tomorrow to learn more about Jesus. They say they want to be lucky like me and have happiness same as me. When they say lucky it is same as blessed. It is just their way of saying it. Some things are better to let go and let God straighten it out as He will. Important thing is they're going to church and will get things explained by Cambodian person. Pray that the Lord will move them along as sees fit.

Went to village with Rocky Wednesday and stayed at his house. Tried to send pics but did something wrong. Can't figure out how to get pics from my pics to email. Maybe you can help me figure it out. 

So many poor. Sometimes it is hard to ignore them. But can't do anything for them. Too many. Have to decide where your time and money go. Giving some money doesn't really help them or me. So have to pray a lot.

Pray that I find other Christians to spend time with. This is very important. 

Looking forward to going to church tomorrow with boy from cafe. Hope to meet some believers I can hang with. Been doing a lot of reading. Want to get to locals and see what God is doing. Don't get me wrong. Things are going good but would enjoy being with other believers.

We'll see what God has in store. 

Lee Lee and Sanat

Well been very interesting few days.

Nothing much to report. First two days I just ran all over Phnom Penh to find the right photo printer. Wanted Canon 800. Small and can use battery. Finally found one in the smallest camera store you ever saw. The store was only about 6x20 but packed to the roof with camera stuff. Was sure he wouldn't have this printer. Big store only had big one. Not battery powered. This printer is only about 5x5x2. Amazing little thing. The color is actually on the paper. I hope it will have a giant effect on the village.

Took along enough to find. I used it at the guesthouse just practicing. Every one there was amazed. So should be something in village.

Printer 119. Two 12 volt batteries will last about 20 photos. So expensive but I think well worth it. Two pack photo paper and inset 50.00. 208 photos.

Found projector too. It was more than I wanted to spend. Not very many to choose from. I used all my own money on these things as there isn't enough in fund for them. But that doesn't matter. What matters is I make relationships in the village. Above Vietnamese floating village so have way to get to them.

The only way to really reach them is by boat. That's why this is called a floating ministry. But all things in their time. First I will go to village on Saturday. Take and give photos. Oh, also bought cheap card for camera. Wanted to be able to take photo of villagers as photo comes out of the printer to show. But have to have chip in printer. Any after make some small opening in village then come show movies if it looks like I can show Jesus Film at some time. So could use prayer for God to put all the right things in place.

Last night sitting on river front a boy and girl from university stopped to talk. Wanted to practice English. The girl asked about my tattoo. I told her what it meant. Both are Buddhist but have heard of Jesus through people coming doing things in their village. Said they put on show but never really found out any more about it. Lee Lee and Sanat. We talked till 12:30 at night. They just couldn't hear enough about how Jesus works. By then most of the night was gone. They want to meet again tonight. So I said I would.

I was going to go back to Kampong Cham today but God has something for me to do here at this moment. Pray that God does a miracle tonight. We talked about Buddhism and the difference in it and Jesus. I never put Buddhism down. Just kept saying that the biggest difference is forgiveness. And someone to talk to that loves me and will show me the way. Will go deeper tonight. Pretty deep last night. They have many questions. And it takes a little time to be able tell them in a way that they can understand. That were me being here for three years before really makes a difference.

If you just come for a few weeks you understand that they have no idea what you are talking about if you put in US terms. Things so different here. Same same but way different. Like trying to tell Rocky I wanted special photo printer. Couldn't understand why until he saw the one I got then it all made sense. That's one thing I forgot. If it works why would you get one that was different even it was better?

Well I have been beating myself up over spending that money. But I don't know any other way to go about it. Like I said I always went with a team that already had contacts. Never really thought about this part much. But God did. So will just go with it. It's not that I had any other place to put the money or spend it just after buying this. Now I won't have have much left after buy moto. But that's ok too. God is in charge. And if I don't spend the money on what is needed why am I here at all? Sending more pics. Well just tried to send pics. I hate this thing. Believe me. Don't what to do figure it out. Later.

God Bless.

Everything going good here. Don't worry. If for some reason I don't contact you, will try to let you know beforehand. But some days don't feel like it. I wouldn't even attempt this without you. Thank you again.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Still alive and well!

Just heard from Mark.


We were all wondering what the goings on were. All good! Ministry in villages around Phnom Penh.

He will be emailing what has occurred the last four days. Then I will post on here.

Continue in prayer!

Blessings to you all.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Photos help open doors


Good morning. Or in your case good evening.

Another good day but they're all good. Sometimes I just have to look a little harder.

Getting back in the hang of things with moto. At first it's a little intimidating. Not sure which way to go but after awhile you just flow with the traffic. It is a very good way to see the country. You only go about 30 mph on the highway and you can drive either side. For real. That always makes it interesting.

Sitting in the cafe having pork, rice, vegies and tea for dinner. $1.25. If I were to eat at a tourist restaurant it would be $3.00. Only the tourist place is not as nice.

Took a ride to the next city. It is small. Half the size of Medical Lake. But ten times as many people. Maybe twenty times. Crossed a small river and there is small Vietnamese floating village. Sending pics.

Went to internet store and the girl showed me what I wasn't doing. Think I have it figured out now. We'll see here in a minute. (He got it right cause posted the photos he took!)

Going PP tomorrow to buy a battery powered photo printer. I have to have something to open the door in the village. Taking pics and giving back a photo into their hands is the ticket. Since I can't speak the language good enough. Need get a boy in village that can. When I start handing out pics they will produce him so we can talk. Then I can start to learn about them and what their needs are. I'm talking about the Cambodians now, not the Vietnamese. Need to do something with both of them. If we only work with Vietnamese the Cambodians get angry. They would never let you know though because you have to buy from them. But they would be resentful.

I found a little bit more about that. When the Vietnamese came in and conquered the Khmer Rouge it was much better in the country but in some areas the Vietnamese were pretty cruel. Not near as cruel as the Khmer Rouge, but took advantage of them pretty bad. So when the Vietnamese left, some of them stayed on the river along with the ones left during the war. Cambodia declared them criminals. If they didn't come on land then they would not be arrested. Now they can buy land. But land is so expensive. No way.

As for the floating fish ponds I found you should have pics today. They were started by a NGO. They came here for 18 month to start fish ponds. The plan was to build one and use part of the money earned to start another one. So on and so on. Well, it took awhile to get started. They worked with one of the local government guys because he could get things done fast. That is usually the way it goes. You have so much time to spend the money allotted to you. So go to how can get it done.

This does not work!

So many fish ponds have been started this way. Things go great. Two or three pens of fish sell. Then the NGO leaves. A rich man takes over and puts one family to work. He pays them very little to raise his new fish farm. 

If you are going to make a lasting difference here and raise up a new generation then it is better to manage it for them until they have grown enough. Which will take at least ten years. Maybe more.

If you really want to make a lasting change for people who do most of the work you have stay with them and help them. Lead them to Christ so they understand that in giving you are blessed. Because we are working with people who have been exploited for thousands of years they just figure that is the way it is. Because it has always been that way. The rich get bigger. We get smaller.

Well could go on and on as most know!

A variety....


So excited Mark sent some pics! 

Hope you enjoy them as well!

Please feel free to make comments on any blog posts, pictures or anything!
Maybe you have some ideas on what you might like Mark to write about. 
We would love to get your input on this whole blog and what we are posting.

May you all have a glorious day!

Riding in a tuktuk

Some of the modern downtown Phnom Penh

Village living

A typical boat along the river

Floating fish ponds
One of the mosques
The bridge across the river at Kampong Cham

All smiles!
village along the river
This little piggy went to market.....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

moto, missionaries and meetings

Mark at Kampong Cham, July 22, 2012 during our morning chat.


Big day yesterday. 

Where to start? 

Rented moto for the day. $5.00 Took a little getting used to riding one again. Moto riding in Cambodia is very different.  No one ever stops. You just slow way down and let them go around you. Or you around them. There is a method to their madness. I just haven't quite got it down yet. I stopped for a lady to cross the street. She and everyone around looked at me like I was crazy. Stop signs mean nothing unless the street is too crowded to cross.

Riding along the riverfront I found a Methodist church. Will go this morning. Further down I found one floating fish farm. Not too big. Will have tuktuk driver take me there so I can ask some questions.

Went over bridge to Vietnamese village. Just riding on the back roads and came across a church group from Los Angeles doing skits for a village. Tried to talk with them but they didn't seem to be interested in what I was doing. Said they had their mission and I have mine. Why can't we try to find a way to work together? Could get a lot more done for Christ.

But I did meet two men who are teaching English here. They are both Christians. Meeting them today. Think they will be able to lead me to others with a vision for Christ. And I believe it is needed here as much as anywhere. 

The Muslim community is huge. There are three mosques close by. And one church. I never thought or had any desire to work with the Muslim community. But God did. The village where Vietnamese boat people are has a mosque. So I will be witnessing to them just by my actions. Pray that God will use me in that area.

I asked some one in Phnom Penh why there are so many Muslims now. Didn't seem like there were that many when I left two years ago. Muslim missionary are about 50:1 to Christian. Couldn't believe it. He said they will leave their home and family to live with others so they can convert them. He said most Christians want an easy life so never live among them and not many will come and live in a poor country. Said we have it too easy. That we don't want to be inconvenienced. I told him I was here to stay. He looked at me funny. I asked “What?” All he said was “we'll see.” I told him I wanted to live in a village with the people. He was so surprised then. He said if I did that it would make all the difference in the world to the people. They would respect me. I knew this but is always nice to have something confirmed.

Going to buy a moto this week. Have to have one here. A long way between where I live and villages. Will move to village but that takes some time. And more to get to know the people in the village.

Going to take photos back to the family I took pics of yesterday. As soon as do one many others will want them. It is a marvelous key into the village. Most don't have one picture of their family or kids. Means so much to them.

Looking forward to taking them pics. You have to be there to see what a picture really means to them. But also that some one would take time to do that for them. It always makes me so happy to do it. Before I didn't really have a reason other than just doing something nice. It now means so much more. 
Christ will go in the house with them. We will see what the Lord does with that.

I have to say that having David doing this and being able to talk with him on skype every morning is a God thing. I wish he was here. I know we always want to send missionary out two by two. I also understand this more now. After yesterday I had so much intake it would be very helpful to have someone to digest it all with.

I am seeing the thing I am not. Hope God sends someone alongside soon! I'd be so much more effective. But am doing all I can and would rather be here doing what God has called me to do than not doing what He asks.

Will write more later. Going on another ride. Different direction today. See what God has in store for me.

God Bless. Please continue to pray for the shed business. Also for my friend Ian.

My phone is 011-855-86-401645 

Just in case.

Please feel free to leave any comments! On any post! Or photograph! Or anything! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Where is Mark?

Mark planned on traveling to Rokakong yesterday but found out there is no guesthouse there. So instead he went to Kampong Cham a major location about four hours north from Phnom Penh.

Phnom Penh is down in the left bottom corner. If you follow the Mekong River north you will find Kampong Cham.

A better view of how Kampong Cham is situated on the river.

He is praying to stay there for a couple weeks, going out each day and getting to know the area. There are many more Vietnamese in this area and quite a number of floating homes. 

Please pray for the Lord to be glorified and for Mark to have peace, grace and a flowing of the Spirit wherever he goes. For all he does to be taken captive for the glory of God. I hope to have more directly from Mark soon as he emails me. So keep checking the blog site!

An answer to prayer is that he is feeling much better after getting over jet lag and a cold!

He is thankful for each one of you. Remember each of you are part of Mark's life even when he is half way around the world!

On the road to RK

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prayer sign up

If any would like to sign up for praying for Mekong Floating Ministries go to the link below.

Thanks from all of us involved!

David for the team 

Traveling to Rokakong

A little note from David on behalf of Mark!

I have had the joy of skyping with Mark these last two days. Been wonderful! We have decided to connect to skype every day at five in the afternoon my time which is 14 hours later, or 7 in the morning Mark's time. Seems to work very well for now.

Mark is feeling better today. Chicken soup must help no matter what country you are in!

Further down you will see that he is headed for RK this day. Please pray for travels and for meeting just the right person to connect with!

You will see that Mark still has his own sense of humor and is very open to sharing. I edit very little and just try to let Mark's words speak for themselves. So as you read this blog remember that Mark is only human with a desire to do whatever and go wherever the Lord directs him.

Mark is very thankful for all your prayers. 

So with all that said, here is Mark's latest.

July 20, 2012

Just got back from meeting with Christina. They have had a orphanage about 120 km from PP but are moving it here now. Think it will be easier for them. They only had 2 volunteers in four years. They could use some help. They have 22 children they take care of by themselves. They bought a big house here and have room for volunteers to live with them. 

Would only cost about 500 month for someone to live with them, teach and play with children. Who wouldn't want to do it? I'll send you her email.

A God thing meeting Christina. Not much I can do for them other than have our church family pray for them. But if someone was looking for something to do it is right here. 

What's keeping you? Planes leave every day! Ha ha.

Anyway she gave the email for Vietnamese man from Canada working with boat people. Will email him and see if he can help us out or lead in the right direction. Also got 2 other contacts. Was really a God thing Andy sent address. Wasn't going to even answer it but thought what if they had something I could do that really needed done now. Well as it turns out she had more for me than I have for her. Sure glad I listened to God and went.

Big day!

But also found out Rokakong (RK) may not have a guesthouse. Going tomorrow. (It is Friday morning for Mark and he is on his way to RK right now!) If no guesthouse will see if can stay somewhere. If not will spend day learning as much as I can. Pray for guesthouse.

Also need to add some to contact list. As you can see I tried but no luck. I hate these things. Never did like anything I wasn't good at.

Busy day. Love it. Not really, but for here it was. Went through PP at rush hour in tuktuk. Forgot how exciting that can be! Ha ha! good day! Wish you were here.

And a little more....

David how come I can take apart a motor with over 500 pieces, leave it for 2 or 3 days, put it all back together and no parts left over?! Parts left over are a big problem. But I can't figure out how to send pics? Going to computer store tomorrow and will pay them to show me. Won't cost much.

If no guesthouse in RK (that is the name I just wasn't saying it right.) Still can't! Anyway, think I will go on to Kampong Chnam the bigger city we talked about. Don from Canada was there. Don't want to stay in PP. Costs too much. Can always come back. About a two hour bus ride. Taking moto tomorrow. Cost a lot. 20 to RK.

But don't want to miss stop on bus. Sometimes they say they know what you are talking about but really don't. Once I said I wanted to get off somewhere. They thought somewhere else. I was 30 km past were I wanted to be. Late at night. No guesthouse. Thank God a family had me stay with them. Forgot all about that. Better to pay more the first time then I will know where RK is. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Morning!

July 13

Good Morning Cambodia!

I looked at the blog. Wow! Made me cry when I saw the pics from the airport. Not because of leaving but the people I didn't get to see before I left.

So many have done so much for me. I would list names but would be afraid to leave someone out.

Slept pretty good last night. Ready to go but have to go into slow gear. I've been in the States too long. Need to be here for while to get back into Cambodia time. I am going to stay here for a few days then go to Rocky's village for a few days. If I go right to RK, I'm afraid I would scare everyone moving to fast. Need to take it real slow. A week in a village will put anyone in low gear. Well, any one but me! It will sure help though. We took a lot of pics today. Will see if I can send them.

I'm going to by a moto bike today so don't have to pay driver to take me everywhere. I can use Rocky but he has a job here at Grandview. Don't want to make a deal with him to work full time until I know he is the right one. He's making money now. I will just pay him to run me around when he is off. He used to have moto but had to sell it before he came back to work here. Eating is more important than moto.

That's all for now. We'll have more later today.

I need to get glasses and a phone. Need to call Peter Gray. He is head of Cambodian Children Against Starvation And Violence, a Christian mission here. He has been here many years and knows a lot of people. Also I will get Vandee's phone number. He is head of KONNA one of the biggest AIDS NGOs in the country. He knows every one in ministry. Health, Fish, Education. He is the man. I know him very well as his main office is at the orphanage I was at for a year. He most likely has people working in RK.

God is so GOOOOOOD! My mind is being filled with things and people I got to know here.

Bye bye!

July 14


Well not buying bike until I talk with Peter and Vandee. They may have a better way to go. Will wait and see what the Lord does.

Some of this I am just running by but waiting for God to talk before I move on anything.

Andrea from New Zealand has been emailing me. She has a TEFL. She wants to come and help me out. If not enough for her to do right now she will teach and help me in evenings and days off. I will have her email you so you can talk with with her and see what you think.

Bye for now. Will write more later. Not really doing too much resting. Jet lag always catches me off guard. Not sure why I think I won't get it every time. Just wishing.

Oh, did get hair shave and ears cleaned for 1.50. took over an hour. Gotta love Cambodia!

God bless you all! Pray about Andrea. Going to wait on doing any thing with Rocky other than helping out here in PP. See if Peter or Candee have just made for what I need. Pray about it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Home, "Rocky" and Prayer


So gooooooood to be here! Every one at the guesthouse tells me I am fat now!

Andrea Glover read our blog. She is a very strong Christian. She is coming back here in a few weeks. Wants to help me out if she can.

God is so gooooooood! Not much sleep on the flight from Taipei to Phnom Penh. Right now it is 1:30 pm. I need to stay up till at least 6 so I'm not awake at 3:00 am. Will try. That's all for now.

God Bless



Sitting here hoping I can get a hold of Rocky. He has been my moto driver for long time. But about a year before I left here he quit working at the Grandview Guesthouse (my home in Phnom Penh.)  So sitting thinking I should ask Nang the manager if he could possibly get hold of him. But too burnt out to really deal with it. Figure I'll wait till tomorrow.

Then who sits down next to me? ROCKY! He's working here again! WOW!

You would have to have been here to know what I am talking about. I'll try and convey. 

A moto driver always get a kick back if they take you some place to buy something. Then try to charge you more for the ride. It is the way it is. But from the very start Rocky was always honest. Would take to me to a store. Have me show what I wanted and ask the price so I knew what they charged me. Then he would take me to a cafe for something to drink and would go to different stores and buy for half price. So having God put him back here now is a definite and total God thing!

Not the “man of peace” but the man I need here in Phnom Penh.

Which brings me to the question. I don't know if he is a Christian or not. But he has a good and honest heart.

The first thing to pray about for Rocky is he becomes a Follower of Jesus as he sees God work. I am going to tell him in the morning why I am back and that the only reason I'm not somewhere else is because of Jesus!

I really have a hard time witnessing in the States. But over here it is no problem. 

Go figure.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

This is from Mark as he landed in Taipei

Leaving the airport was really strange. Having to leave early just didn't seem right. But I wasn't in charge of that one.

I felt like I was leaving part of me behind. I can tell right from the start that this is going to be different than anything I have ever done before.

Well here I am in Taipei. Very long flight. Butt is really flat! Ha ha. For real.

Walking around airport waiting for coffee shop to open in 25 min.

I found a prayer room. Actually there are three different ones. Not sure what the other two say but there is a Christian one. So I went in and prayed for a while.

I don't know what I am doing here David. Before I always just came over and found something to do. But this time it is really different. I have a mission and really don't know how to go about accomplishing it. I mean I know it will come together but I don't have got a clue how. God does. 

Right now I am in the dark. Pray that God will turn on the light to guide me and put the "person of peace" in my path. Like I mean run right into him.

I am not going to go the beach. I am going to Rokakong tomorrow. (Rokakong is where we felt the Lord was leading when we first started thinking of where to go.) I can rest there for a few days just as well as the beach. And also see what I have got myself into. 

 Pray hard for me. Believe me when I say I am out of my comfort zone and feel like I am stretched pretty far.

Will let you go for now. Really wish you were here. I would feel a lot more secure in getting this done. What needs to be done first is more your line. Not too many gears! (A little inside joke between Mark and myself!)

Keep praying!