Sunday, July 22, 2012

moto, missionaries and meetings

Mark at Kampong Cham, July 22, 2012 during our morning chat.


Big day yesterday. 

Where to start? 

Rented moto for the day. $5.00 Took a little getting used to riding one again. Moto riding in Cambodia is very different.  No one ever stops. You just slow way down and let them go around you. Or you around them. There is a method to their madness. I just haven't quite got it down yet. I stopped for a lady to cross the street. She and everyone around looked at me like I was crazy. Stop signs mean nothing unless the street is too crowded to cross.

Riding along the riverfront I found a Methodist church. Will go this morning. Further down I found one floating fish farm. Not too big. Will have tuktuk driver take me there so I can ask some questions.

Went over bridge to Vietnamese village. Just riding on the back roads and came across a church group from Los Angeles doing skits for a village. Tried to talk with them but they didn't seem to be interested in what I was doing. Said they had their mission and I have mine. Why can't we try to find a way to work together? Could get a lot more done for Christ.

But I did meet two men who are teaching English here. They are both Christians. Meeting them today. Think they will be able to lead me to others with a vision for Christ. And I believe it is needed here as much as anywhere. 

The Muslim community is huge. There are three mosques close by. And one church. I never thought or had any desire to work with the Muslim community. But God did. The village where Vietnamese boat people are has a mosque. So I will be witnessing to them just by my actions. Pray that God will use me in that area.

I asked some one in Phnom Penh why there are so many Muslims now. Didn't seem like there were that many when I left two years ago. Muslim missionary are about 50:1 to Christian. Couldn't believe it. He said they will leave their home and family to live with others so they can convert them. He said most Christians want an easy life so never live among them and not many will come and live in a poor country. Said we have it too easy. That we don't want to be inconvenienced. I told him I was here to stay. He looked at me funny. I asked “What?” All he said was “we'll see.” I told him I wanted to live in a village with the people. He was so surprised then. He said if I did that it would make all the difference in the world to the people. They would respect me. I knew this but is always nice to have something confirmed.

Going to buy a moto this week. Have to have one here. A long way between where I live and villages. Will move to village but that takes some time. And more to get to know the people in the village.

Going to take photos back to the family I took pics of yesterday. As soon as do one many others will want them. It is a marvelous key into the village. Most don't have one picture of their family or kids. Means so much to them.

Looking forward to taking them pics. You have to be there to see what a picture really means to them. But also that some one would take time to do that for them. It always makes me so happy to do it. Before I didn't really have a reason other than just doing something nice. It now means so much more. 
Christ will go in the house with them. We will see what the Lord does with that.

I have to say that having David doing this and being able to talk with him on skype every morning is a God thing. I wish he was here. I know we always want to send missionary out two by two. I also understand this more now. After yesterday I had so much intake it would be very helpful to have someone to digest it all with.

I am seeing the thing I am not. Hope God sends someone alongside soon! I'd be so much more effective. But am doing all I can and would rather be here doing what God has called me to do than not doing what He asks.

Will write more later. Going on another ride. Different direction today. See what God has in store for me.

God Bless. Please continue to pray for the shed business. Also for my friend Ian.

My phone is 011-855-86-401645 

Just in case.

Please feel free to leave any comments! On any post! Or photograph! Or anything! 

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