Friday, February 15, 2013

Waistlets and healing

What a week!  

This week has been in the making for over a year.      

A group from Norway was here and supported a five day concert in five different villages.  It was 16 of work for six days. Crazy! But sometimes God does crazy things to get His Word out. And it did. Over 7000 people attended and more than 500 gave their life to Jesus.  People were healed. Sometimes I wonder if people back home can really believe what happens here. 

The lame walk! The blind see!  And not just one, but many! 

It says if we just have faith as a child, just believe, then it will happen. I myself have many things that get in the way of just believing sometimes. But it seems the people here sure don't. I have a lot to learn from them! 

It is so beautiful how they have kept there traditional custom in their search for the Lord. They are such a beautiful people.  So kind. 

In the hat are waistlets. The women wear them around their waist. They are string or chain. They are suppose to keep evil spirits away. When a women cuts one off it is a big deal!  By the end of the five days there was a five gallon bucket of them!

There is yet more about last week!

This first pics says it all to me. This girl prayed over this girl for over and hour for her to trust Jesus enough to cut her waist band off. She did! 


That is like cutting off everything you have ever trusted in. Not just you but your parents and their parents.

Wow ! 

Every village we went to we cleaned in the morning. It was great. 

This last pic of a lady giving her testimony about her changed life with Jesus. She shared how her husband doesn't drink any more. Her life is better. She wants every one to know the one true God who loves her and them. This is a big deal because she is older. 49 years old.


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