Friday, August 31, 2012


This is from Mark after the men's weekly prayer time at Mosaic. Good time of catching up with Mark over Skype and many praying "in person" with and for him while he is in Cambodia.



Way past wow!    

I talked with John after prayer.  We talked a lot. He behind whole thing (the fish pond project).  Wants me to draw up two business plans. One for filter business the other for fish ponds. Also received email from Dave Lott. He said he is to support the project with cash.  Can't believe it!    

John wants meeting with Mekong group tuesday. (All set up for Tuesday at eleven in the morning).    


Also emailed him Don's address. (Don works with worldteam and has been ministering in Cambodia for many years). Told him we should wait to do any thing with the Vietnamese until he returns.  He was very happy I wanted wait and work with them.  I think it is the best way as he already has relationship with people here.  

Don't want the credit. All for the Lord's glory! Want as many involved as God wants.

Never want to lone ranger again. 

Just to show you that praying really works. (Yes it does brother!)  

God is good!     


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Care to join me!


Quite a variety to choose from!I think the little three wheeler in the front might fit me (David) :)

Some of the living conditions 

Cook shack/kitchen 

Fish ponds and fried snake

Another great day with the Lord. They're great.  Sometimes just have to look harder to see it.    

Went to large fish farm only about two km from where the rice fields are that I showed you in the town Suong.   They raise two kinds of catfish.  One is called snake catfish the other just catfish.  The snake catfish take five to six months to raise and bring $2 US a kilogram. The catfish take three months and bring $1.25 US. They sell the snake catfish to Phnom Penh. The other  in villages close by. I asked if there was enough market for them if they started selling. She said surely. 

They have to change the water very third day. Running diesel pump to empty then electric pump in ground to  fill. They have 9 ponds. It cost them around $400.00 US a month to do this. I told her I was going to use water filters so wouldn't have to change the water.  Said that in the US you couldn't just pump dirty water out on ground.  Government would give big big fine and close you down. She couldn't believe that.  But she wanted to know all about my water filters.  After I explained it to her she wants me come and build her one.  I told her that after I have one working she could come and see it.  If she still wanted one then I would build it for her.  She said "no, I want now." "But I have not tested mine yet." I know it will work good but might have to work some bugs out of at first. So I said after "I would do one then I will do one for her."    

I think this could turn out to be whole new industry here making water filters for ponds. Only God knows. They also raise pigs sell baby pigs. They have ninety sows. Sell about 100 piglets a month and buy used bikes from China. Rebuild them then sell all over Cambodia. This is very rich family but very nice and really want water filters for there ponds.  She said if they work then maybe could go in partners in business.  Only they're in it for the money.  I would want to do it to help others.    

Most of people that work for them live there but not that good of conditions. Mr. Nang said later that was the trouble with Cambodians. They won't pay much for only want to make money. I told the same same in US.  I will send pic of all this. Look how they have their workers live.   

The sad thing is the people are thankful that they have place to sleep and eat. They eat there too. They get small wages. 30.00 month. Mr. Nang said he knew some NGOs that would give money to do this. I told him that it had to come from Christians if we were going to be involved. I tried to explain why but I don't think he really understood.  He looked at me funny. 

I think he thinks I am crazy but isn't that what Jesus said. We wouldn't be understood by the world. Sure have a lot of thinking now.  Hope I can follow through.  

Well not sure what else to say. Learned a lot again. I have the support of this family in business and who knows what God can do with it. 

Oh had to buy lunch.  Fried snake. Yes, snake and frog are very good.  I always wonder what my stomach will be like the next day after I eat something for the first time.  We will see in the morning.  But how do you say no?   

God Bless   


Monday, August 27, 2012

a unique conversation

Met this afternoon with Minister of Fisheries. Very nice man.  I took him
to lunch with Dary, Frank's wife, as she speaks good English. After I
explained what I want to do he was very happy and supportive that we
would want to help his people. He wanted to know why I would do this.

I had told him I am a Christian, but now got the joy to explain why.  
I said that Jesus says that if he blesses us we are to pass the blessing 
on to others. And Jesus told me to come to help the poor farmers in Cambodia.  
He wanted to know why Cambodia.  So I told him that after the first time I came here
as a tourist I read books about what the US did to Cambodia. Dropped so
many bombs that felt I should try to do something to make up for that.
He couldn't believe it.  I told him that before I was Christian I
never really helped others much but now that is what God has put on
my heart and that I plan on staying here for the rest of my life.  He was
so happy. Made me happy too.

Well, about our conversation on fish.  He will give us all the help he
is able. He wants us to raise tiger fish. They are harder to raise so will
work into that.  But they bring seven times as much money.  $7.00 to $13.00 a
kg.  Tilapia $1.50 kg. The big reason for starting with tilapia is they
are very hard to kill where tiger fish are a lot harder to raise.  He
thought we should raise about eight ponds of tilapia then start tiger fish
after everything is working good.  He said he would help a lot as we

I can't believe how God is opening doors!  One of his questions was how 
much money I needed to make.  I told him that I was more
interested in helping his people than me making money.  Said I have
enough money every month to live on so that could put most of what was
made into loaning other farms money to start. All at a very low interest rate.
Said I didn't want to just give money. That no one ever gave me money
and that I was not going to just give it away but that I would only
charge about 2% interest. I told him many times that this was just
a plan, but, like I said before, once you start talking they just
figure it is a done deal.  As we were leaving he said "Ok, you start in
February."  I said this was just a plan. He said "yes, you start in February!"
What could I say. I just let it go!

So now it is up to you at home to see if this starts in February.  I
really can't do any more until we decide if we are going to do this project.  

Once I get the go ahead I will move to Suong and start working on medical and
teaching.  And working on getting volunteers to come and help.

But I can't do anything until I find if this is something that
people want to support.  I know it is about $15,000 but it is a one
time thing. After the first year it supports itself and gives money
for the next farm to join.  Should read the last few blogs. It outlines the
whole program. It also puts a fellowship in a town that doesn't have one.

Oh I talked with Pastor Adams. His mind has changed 100% on ministry and
business. He will help in any way he can. Will pray about coming to
Suong to do Sunday afternoon services.  I'm sure he will.  He couldn't
commit right away.   

God is Good to me.    

Well enough to think and pray about.   

God Bless 



An amazing update!

Mr. Nang, Minister of Fisheries, called today asking me to come to his home
for dinner.  Wow! Very good night! Definitely a God thing. He wants to take me to
fish farmer in Suong that is raising red fish fryling imported from

I have to pay for trip. He is doing this on his own time.
Said fishery department does not want him to promote these fish but he thinks
this is best for me to start with.  He is picking me up at 10:00 am my
time. Things are happening that I have a hard time believing.  

Sand Barges

These barges dredge sand from the bottom of the Mekong river destroying the river bottom. They suck up sand, fish, eggs. Everything along with sand. Fishermen complain that there are less fish in the river.  Go figure. That is one reason fish ponds are important. If they didn't have fish ponds then the Cambodians would starve. 

As it is, Cambodia is importing 35% of their fish from Vietnam right now. The government doesn't allow Cambodians to export any fish. They need it here. As you can see these huge barges and there are many everyday.  

Barge is full

Pumping station

barges is empty and there are at least 20 of these
everyday. The sand is used to build with. About half is exported to
Vietnam. Vietnam has huge fines for doing this. So Cambodia is where a
lot of theirs come from.

Life in Kampong Cham

not how many can you put in a mini van. you forgot about the roof.  too many to
Need a ride?

Floating village

A few pics from some of Mark's travels

These are floating village fishing ponds in Kampong Chanang

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Be praying as you read this post. It is a lengthy one! God is doing some truly powerful working in lives right now.  

God is talking and people are listening.

Mark and myself included. 

What has He been doing in yours lately?

Now, on with the post!

Kampong Cham is situated on the river. If you follow the highway to your right you will see Suong.
This is an ariel map of the town of Suong, located about twenty kilometers from Kampong Cham and seven kilometers from a Vietnamese floating village.

The field where we believe God has led us.

When I first saw the place, Rith's father showed us the land.  
I thought, no way, it is in the middle of huge rice paddy!  No
one will even know we are here. Then about ten minutes later all these
people started coming down the road to plant rice. Within twenty minutes
there were over one hundred. I looked closer and saw it is right behind
the main street of town.  I know or believe this is where God wants us to
start. It will be a witness to hundreds of people every day during the
rainy seasons. 

There is no problem with doing fish ponds along side rice paddies.

People are wanting to use land in the best possible ways. 
Combining all the different crops, etc. is the only way to go!

I had Rith tell his Dad that I didn't have the money to do this. 

That it was coming from my fellowship and many other people in
the US. That we had to have a big cross so every one would know that
Jesus made all this possible.  He wants to hear more about this God that
would send someone to help them. Believe me, I will be telling him.

So here's the outline for it all. Sit back. It is going to cost more than I
thought. Always does. But if the Lord wants it to happen, it will. 

First of all we can't do anything as far as work until February.  After the rainy
season is over.  Then we can tractor in the big ponds and make high ground
with dirt from the pond for a house.

To rent land will be 500.00 a year. We can get a five year contract with 

another five years after. This lot is 40 x 300 feet. The ponds would take up half. 
The other half would be for the fish feeding area and a house. 

Big cross 200.00 

twenty five feet tall with two solar lights for night

Well pump and water tank 600.00

Power close  200.00 (to bring power in)

Dig ponds 700.00 to 1000.00 depending on if we dig all five at same
time. We think it is best to do all at the same time.

Filters 200.00 each. 1000.00 for five. 

We would not need all these at once. 
We would start with two filters and add one each month

Fish feed for 7 months 1400.00. 

Again, would need two months supply to begin

Wages for one year would be 2400.00. 

Two families and Rith book keeper. 200.00 a month

The big expense is the house for Rith, his father, mother and myself all
to live together.  The house will be 16 ft x 24 ft with an inside bathroom.

I think the house would cost around 8000.00 with labor.

The bones is that the house will also be house church.  There is no
church in this town of about 4000 people.  I believe Pastor Adams will
come do a Sunday afternoon service.  I have talked to him a little but
going to talk more tomorrow. 

About 15000.00 total for first year. Then it will be self supportive.
Not really much when you consider starting a business, wages for two families 

and Rith, plus the best church. I never thought of that one. All from the Lord!

I never thought I would be a church planter. As a matter of fact I really
did not want to do that but I think God has a different idea. He usually does!

This will make enough money after the first year to help others start fish farm.  

Not as big but one can do very good on two ponds.  We want to create five or six 
so we are harvesting fish very three to four weeks. 

There should be a profit of about 1000.00 from each pond divided four ways. 

Rith, his father, my self and the company/ministry.  
I really don't need a share but that would let the money that is now coming 
to me be used to help others.  

Well, there you are.  

This is what the Lord has showed me.

I believe it is the right thing to do for many reasons.

First, we can't start till February. We have to wait till after the rice harvest.

So we have six months to come up with money. 
Pastor John and many others should be over here before we start.  
The piece of land could not be better if you could chose anywhere you wanted. 
Don't think you could find a better spot to put a church and cross. 

Many will see what is happening! 

Oh, also we would be the only foreigners in this town.  Wow! 

That is kind of what I was looking for. 
Some place that hasn't been too corrupted by outsiders.

We would be starting a new thing in a new place.  I can't believe
there isn't a church there all ready. 

Now I have a lot of work to do. 

Talking with government. 
Finding what we need to feed to raise organically.  Organic fish bring twice as much.
Continuing to talk with Klaus about co-op. 

Writing a contract with others help.

Well enough to think about for now.

Please keep praying for us all. We want our decisions, where we place our feet, 

the words that we speak and all we do to be for the glory of our Lord Jesus!

Please feel free to leave comments. We really appreciate them! 

And actually it would be very encouraging if you join and become a 

follower of this blog. It is on the right side as you scroll down a bit. 
Super easy and would get the blog and what we are doing in this ministry
out to more of the world.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rice Fields

These are pics from town of Sonug, 20 km from Kampong Cham and 7 km from Vietnamese
               floating village.