Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The pics I am sending are the house-school that Mr. Savet has been
building for over three years. It has one room finished for a volunteer
(me) right now and three more to finish. As you can see they have been
preparing for someone to come longer than I have been planning to come.

It will cost about 10,000 to finish home-school but don't need to
finish for one or two volunteers. Teachers are needed first.

When I left the States we didn't figure we would be ready for
volunteers for quite a while. As you can see we could us them now!

To stay and teach here would cost around 400.00 month.  That would
cover housing, food and 100.00 extra. They are ready now and so am I.
it won't be long before I am going to be very busy. As soon as I
start work on the water filter I will be working every day and teaching in 
the evening except Sunday.

These first three pics are of Mr. Savets living space in back side of house

Mark's room. Volunteer has own bathroom



I am not saying we should finish the house but it would be nice if
volunteers could bring a little extra so could put to building. 

This building will be a beautiful house-school-volunteer spot when it is completed. 

Also a great meeting place for many people.
Mark working hard at the guesthouse.
He often skypes me from this spot. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pastor Rith (ongoing)

Pastor Rith's story

I am going to write this in parts as I learn more. I asked him if I could tell you about his life. He was happy that I thought others would want to know about him.  I told there were many that would want to and that were praying for us.

Rith was born in 1962  in Kampong Chanang. Things have always been hard for his family. They were very poor like most of Cambodians.  But life wasn't so bad if that is all you know then you don't have anything to compare. That was soon to change  for him and the rest of the country.   

In 1965 the U.S. started the secret bombing of Cambodia but until about 1970 that was contained to the border area. Then we started bombing most of the country. 3,500 B-52 shorties over 600,000 killed   Mr. Rith has talked about running form the bombs that came from planes. You could not see them and didn't know where they would land.  This went on until 1975 when we finally pulled out of Cambodia and forgot they then even existed.    

He tells of friends not as lucky as him. They ran to wrong spot. You could never find any of them. Not one piece. Many of his friends didn't make it through those years. You can see just how sad it makes him when he talks about it. He tells of hiding in the rice paddy from the bombs and the Khmer Rouge, dodging bullets at ten years old.  

As I sit and talk with him it makes me so thankful that I was born in America. I could just as easily have been born here.  It also make me sad for him and all the others that went through so much killing.  But that wasn't even the worst of it.  That was still to come. 

Things got much much worse when the U.S. pulled out. At first everyone thought it would be good. The war was over.  But within a few days the Khmer Rouge took over the country and was to throw it into what I would call the dark ages for five years. 

More next time. 

My moto moving van

Well all loaded up. Moto becomes a moving van. This is the most stuff I ever
put on a moto.  As you can see there is not much room left for me.  I get 
the spot were my helmet is for 5 hours. There will be a few coffee
stops along the way.  It is so good to be going somewhere you know God has
perpared for you.  It's also nice to be going somewhere were I know I
will be putting down some roots in good dirt with the support of the

Thank you Lord!

getting moto wash. four people work on it for about 30 min for 3000 rial.
That equals about 75 cents
Moto loaded to move

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Church dedication


Methodist Church dedication. The Methodists are sponsored by Korea. Korea has the most involvement here. This was a very big deal. It took four years to build the church. For the first year it was outside under a trap. That was ten years ago. As you can see in the pics it was quite crowded but it was truly amazing. There were Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic. You name it.  As the speaker said, "We are all followers of Jesus Christ. Makes no difference what we call ourselves."   

There were over 75 pastors from all over Kampong Chanang Province.  I met so many. I met the one I know the Lord wanted me to meet.  He is a Vietnamese pastor in Kampong Chanang and his daughter speaks fluent Vietnamese, Khmer and English. We talked quite a bit. Told him about our ministry and what we would like to be able to do with the Vietnamese boat people in a year or so. We are going to be getting together soon. I gave his daughter my card and asked her to go to website and blog site and read. This will give her a little better idea of what we are planning on doing. They were very excited about the whole thing.  

These first six pics are all of the ribbon cutting

There are 223 Buddhist Wats, 53 mosques, and 66 churches in Kampong Chanang Province.  This does not include house churches here.  In Kampong Chanang Province the Christian is the fastest growing. But that is not so in most other places.  There is a lot of talk about how it was their responsibility to raise up leaders go out and spread the Gospel to Cambodia and the rest of the world. That they should use Korea as their example.  That we are all the body of Christ and that each one of use has a different part to do but that we all work together for the one and only goal. That the whole world should know of the the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. 

Traditional dancers.  They are bringing the offering to the Lord thanking
Him for the sacrifice on the cross for us

Maybe that's it. They don't look at the denominations as one is better than the other. They are all one part of a bigger Body. The Body of the church. I think it also helps that they are not a prideful people. They are quite humble and that is one the hardest things for me to deal with.  When you are raised from birth to have pride in all you do, well it takes a lot for God to knock some of us down a little more than others. 

I can't tell you how much I feel that God has put us here at this time. Not just me, but everyone who is part of MFM. Pastor Rith feels the same. As I look back over the last five years and see what the Lord has done in my life to perpare me for this time it is amazing.  And then I see what He has been doing here in Kampong Chanang for the last ten years.  

And I end up here!

Koreans singing

Korean pastor with translator

Everyone singing Amazing Grace



Monday, September 17, 2012

Roots. Lessons. Thanks!

It has been 5 years sense i have had a place that I could call home.

For the last five years I have been traveling doing the Lord's work wherever He asked. Now it looks like I have a place to settle down. You don't know what a peace that brings to me. The village, the church, and fish farm is going to be small but beautiful. Will be able to make big impact on community in time. I am really looking forward to having a place that I can put some roots in the ground.  

Don't get me wrong. The traveling and being able to do so many different things has given me so much insight as to what I should be doing. I have been blessed because of it many times over.  But knowing you are only going to be somewhere for a short time there is only so much you can do.  I really believe this is right where the Lords wants us, MFM, to start to reach the people on the Mekong.  

At first I wanted to be somewhere that there wasn't any help for the people.  But as time went by I saw that being by myself was not a good thing. No one to pray or talk with. No one that understands why and what the Lord had put on my heart three years ago to do. Now I have many many Christians that support and want what God has given me, and all of us with MFM, to offer.  Also have Cambodians that will help me not to make too many cultural mistakes and will be here for giving input when I do. 

Pastor Rith is also a visionary looking ahead to see what he can do to advance the word of God in his country.  They have been making plans for someone to come and help them here for a long time.  Not just waiting to see what God does, but making plans for the future. such as the school that Mr. Savet has started at his house. It  will have three rooms for volunteers to stay in while they teach English and the Bible.  They have been working on the house for over two years. Some of the money coming from the States. 

Mr. Rith wants to start English Bible school to raise men up to spread the Word all over Cambodia. I believe that with us working together that we can have huge impact for the Lord. I have learned so much in the last two months.  More about not being a lone ranger but also that it is just what it is to start something new sometimes.   Someone just to step off the cliff and see where God takes you. 

I thank the Lord that I didn't have to step off by myself.  That there are many others back home praying and supporting Mekong Floating Ministries. None of it would be possible without all of us doing what we can. That is the amazing thing about this. The the Lord put in me at Mosaic Fellowship, Community Ministry, Valley View Baptist, Marlin Yoder. So many amazing people on fire for the Lord.    

I am so blessed to part of all of this.   

Thank you Lord. 

Well now I have to write up a real business plan with estimated time line. I actually have something to do that I will be able to see to the end.  

God Bless 


Steps. Stones. Faith

Looks like God has provided me with a home and land to start His work
on. I can't believe how all of this has come about. And then another
one at lunch today as Mr. Rith asked me when I was moving here. He
said he could take me in his 4x4 tomorrow make one trip be done. But
I need to spend a few days there (Kampong Cham) taking care of business.
Mr. Rith says he would like to start English Bible school with
American teacher.  I thought who wouldn't?  But as we were eating and
talking I thought if they only had to pay for a plane ticket then it
might work.  I said if they had a room and food then maybe we could
see if it would work. He said I have lots of room and if they will
eat with my family then I have lots of food.     

So volunteer only needs plane ticket. Well, plus a little to enjoy other adventures here!

It's like one thing after another back to back. 

Today was really a God thing.  Pastor asked me if I could give a word to the people. 
I said sure but inside I'm saying what am I doing.

Singing Hymns

Children singing
I had just been reading James again so I shared about building our 
faith step by step and that the trials were stepping stones. They all
clapped because it really made sense.  God truly does put the words in
your mouth when you need them. 

After church we walked around the land and it is a big piece for here. About 10 acres. 
Pastor told them what God had sent me and MFM here to do and that he thought that God had sent them to us. So they all decided right there that this is where I should stay.  
I didn't get any input on this. They wanted to know if I wanted to move into the church today. They would find every thing I needed. I told them it would a week or two before I settled in. 

Then we all prayed.  

Everything has just fallen into place.  I keep waiting for
something to get in the way but God is keeping this path clear.
Another reason we should be here the land here is not that good. Not
like in Soung where it is a good rice field.  This a good place to help
people that really don't have a way to help themselves. It all just
fits. I have not been wanting to leave here. Now I know I am coming back.
Thank You Lord!

Well I haven't had much to do yet but I think that is about to change.

God Bless 


As I was praying about this last night I saw how these people here
have also been perpairing for God to do something. This is not a one
way street. They have building, churches, and places for people to stay.
They were and are continuing to get ready for the time that the Lord 
is going to send others to help them grow and spread the Word of God!

My new home to be. Until finished will sleep in Church.

Fish pond and land about as far as you can see

Pastor Rith

First Church used for three years

A phone for Christ

Somebody sent this to me by way of Facebook. I realize this has nothing to do with fish ponds and water filters. Yet....

It actually does. One of our goals for MFM was not only the physical aspect of helping people, as Mark is doing. But also the spiritual. This is a very exciting tool!  Take a look at the blog about getting the Word of God, the Bible, into the hands of the Khmer through a phone!

Just wanted to share and let you know God can open doors in many, many unique ways.

Have a glorious day!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Direction. Cham or Chanang?

Went to lunch today at church members house. Never thought you could be
so blessed with so little.   Lunch was rice, one small fish and veggies.  So

But the best part was just being with the family.  Lin is from a poor
family. Felt bad for eating their food but they seemed so happy I would
come to there house.  Lin is poor but her sister is poorer so she
took her three children to live with them so they could go to school. Otherwise 
they would grow up poorer than their parents.  I let the kids take pics
with my camera.  They had never used one before.  I forgot just how
excited they are with one. They must have taken a pic of everything in
their house.   As I drove away from their house I was so happy and 
blessed. I was thanking the Lord for letting me be part of what is happening here.

Self portrait

Cambodian pick-up

Rice comes with every meal!

Which brings up the question where to start ministry. Kampong Cham
or Kampong Chanang.  I have been in Kampong Cham for 5 weeks and the
only Christian I have any support from is Rith, the young boy I have been
writing about giving me Khmer lessons.  Other than that nothing. A little
from Pastor Adams but we are on different pages. He does see the
advantage of doing business and ministry but not excited about it at all.  
It seems like every thing the Lord is having me do there is a struggle and I
have to make it work.  Nothing is falling into place. Hoping Suong
will be different but most likely not as there isn't any church that I
know of there. So will be on my own much of the time.

Now Kampong Chanang is another story. There are around 30 guesthouses
here and the Lord directs me to pick the one that the owner is a pastor of three 
churches.  Also works with government in medical field.
Wants us to start fish farm at village church, live on that land, and
teach both at churches and Bible school.  I am so welcome here I
don't want to leave.  Not sure what to do or where to stay.

Perspectives course said don't do anything until you find the "Person of Peace."  
feel that Pastor Rith is that man.  I have never been more welcome.  I
eat a lot of my meals with them.  Yesterday, Pastor took me to dinner.
while at dinner I meet Chief of Kampong Chanang and a few other
important people.

As we were talking about where the ministry should start farm I said I didn't
know where God wants me. Pastor said he did and it was right here. 
He was very serious.  I tend to believe him.   I am going to stay here
until Monday so I can go back to church in village. Take better look
around.  Will let you know as it happens.   

God Bless 


I don't want to sound like I am trying to talk others into my way of
thinking. Just trying to let you know what is going on.

So as I am praying asking the Lord if I should stay here or Kampong
Cham  I get the words "how many doors do I need to open for you before
you will go through it."  It's like everyday something is happening that
says stay here.

The draw backs are we are not on the Mekong River yet, but we can still work
with Don (Worldteam) and the Vietnamese in Kampong Cham.  Also the
largest population of Vietnamese boat people live right here in Kampong
Chanang.  Then there is Rith. I talked to Pastor about him. He can come
and work with me here if he would want to move here. If you have been
reading the two weeks of the blog you will know what I am talking about
with doors being open here.

I have support here if something was to happen or make mistake with
someone have others to help me work it out.

The cost of everything is about the same. House would cost less as it is
already started.  it take about about 4000.00 to start and 1500.00 a
month for 6 months to complete.

It seems that all the things we talked about at the last meeting at
Karens house has lined up here and I haven't really done anything but
be here.

Oh and the property here already has one pond on it.  

God Bless 
