Thursday, May 23, 2013



In Cambodia they aren't really any wrose than in the States. 

Except ants. 

There are about eight different kinds around here. Five big red ones. They bite and it hurts!  Little red ones and little black ones. They sting and it hurts. Then there are two other red and black ones that don't bite. The only way to get rid of them is to mix dish soap and water and put in where they come from their nest. After about three or four times they are gone. But they still come from somewhere! You do not leave food or scraps around.  They must have a very sensitive nose, because they find every little scrap! Need to keep counters and floor very clean. 

Tonight I have a bat for a houseguest. Pretty good size. Always let then stay as they eat the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes only come out in the morning and after the sun goes down. All you have to do is put the fan on you and they can't get to you. they are very small. Malaria isn't around this part of the country. Only five cases here last year. Of course you have to tuck the net in at night :)



There are many. Some I knew would come. A lot, I did not.
I spent two years here before I came back to do this. It was hard at times but nothing like now. Not that things aren't good.  But starting a mission is nothing like joining one that is already working.  And starting a business mission really is different! I don't know of anyone else doing it! I'm sure there are but I haven't heard of any.
The trials of starting a business are hard even if you know all the rules. Doing it in another country is something else. The culture, corruption in government, work ethics are all so different.

Culture. Here no one will tell the boss if he is doing something wrong. You would never think to tell the boss he is wrong. Never. It is disrespectful. It is something I have had to ask Chinda to do over and over again. She is finely starting to say something. After five months. It is very hard for her. But it makes a world of difference to all in this ministry. 
Work habits. Wow! First of all everything they are doing is different. They have never seen meat slicers or electric grinders. These are tools we take for granted. Their jobs they do are very simple. There are not many many steps to do it right.  It over loads them.  they're not stupid. t is  just that they have never had to deal with this many things at one time.  They're getting used to it but I have to check everything too make sure it is up to standards. Which they think are way beyond what is needed. Easy to understand if you stop and see how they have to live. Dirt floors and thatch roofs.  They are very clean for what they have but nowhere close to what is needed in meat productions. People get sick from food all the time. It is a fact of life. Like head lice. you see them sitting picking at each others hair. Sometimes three in a roll. It takes a great deal of patience. Something the Lord is working on me all the time.
Being to work on time. This stars in school but it is okay if you are late. No problem!  So of course it carries on the rest of your life. Very hard for me to deal with. They are starting to get better slowly slowly. And I am starting to understand it more as well.
Not have having a three hour lunch. We are now down to one-and-a half hours.

They say I am to fast. I know I am but nothing like in the States. I am always having to slow down.

Getting something you need to work. No hurry. They have never had a reason to hurry. Nothing is ever going to change. If you asked them to get you something they just stand there for awhile looking at you. Why would you need it right this minute? 

The biggest one for me is they never put things back in the same place. Might be there three or four times then you go to get it and they moved to another room. Have finely got that stopped. In the process I hurt some feelings. Drives me crazy. Lord help me to work with people, not against them!

The government bribes to get get anything done. They only pay government works 50 dollars a month. They figure if you want to get it done you can pay them for it. 
Well just a few of the challenges I face everyday. Things are getting better slowly, slowly.

God is so good to help me with these things. 

God Bless from your bother in Christ Jesus.  

These are amazing times and God is so good!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pics.... with a few captions!

Getting small amount done. 

Working the bugs out and there are some!

God bless! I could go on an on but will let you go!  

Knowing that the Lord always finishes what He started!


Just an on and off breaker
real breakers
outside on pole.
not quite to USA code :)
mine is to burnt one.
suppose to change outside line and breaker Monday
Ten kilograms of sausage drying before smoking

bacon in smoker
Chinda and Chanee twisting sausages

And some more....

kitchen before
kitchen after
Outside area going to be house kitchen.
Have to keep everyone out of working area.
Everyone comes home to eat lunch.
Can't stop work for that.
Also their idea of clean is not the same as mine.
Their getting there slowly.
Very slowly.
Outside finished
freezer full of bacon and sausage.
 Waittng for more power to cut up and package

Electrical needs!!!

Well I have been waiting for something to come up that I hadn't planed on and it did!

The electric!

There are only 10 amps 230 V coming into the house. That is standard for homes here. Must be a lot stronger than what you have back home. The government subsidises electric for families but not for businesses. I have to up grade to 40 amps and put bigger wire coming from power pole. The cost is $700.00 which wasn't in my budget.

I budgeted upgrading the house but never thought there would be so little coming in. I am only able to run one of the freezers and have to turn it off to use the meat grinder. But we are working making sausage. Have made 70lb so far. Eight different kinds. Four they like. Four they don't. Only making the ones they like right now. Have 55 lbs of bacon curing which will be smoked in the smoker Saturday.

I have stayed within my budget which is quite amazing considering how I have never done any business here.   But this piece didn't fit. I have gone ahead and had it done as I don't have much choice.  But that takes away from operating the costs of the shop and rent. At this time I have all other costs covered till June 18th  and small amont to open with.  Doing okay there. Our opening day is May 9th. We will have plenty in stock at that time. Pray that the Lord blesses this ministry!

If any one feels moved to help out in the electrical cost it would be a very big blessing to me and many others. I do know the Lord will get us through this as it is just a bump in the road. Easy to believe when the blessings are falling on you. A little harder when you have to wait to see them.

If any one chooses to support the electrical funds they should to send to Mosaic Ministries and be noted for electrical. You can do this through our website  or go right to

Also pray for me to work with the Cambodians at their pace, not mine. Hard to do. Have to go/work/socialize slowly, slowly. Move them to better work habits. And I need to constantly remember this is God's business ministry. I need to slow down! Pray, for that is the most important.
God bless all!
