Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Electrical needs!!!

Well I have been waiting for something to come up that I hadn't planed on and it did!

The electric!

There are only 10 amps 230 V coming into the house. That is standard for homes here. Must be a lot stronger than what you have back home. The government subsidises electric for families but not for businesses. I have to up grade to 40 amps and put bigger wire coming from power pole. The cost is $700.00 which wasn't in my budget.

I budgeted upgrading the house but never thought there would be so little coming in. I am only able to run one of the freezers and have to turn it off to use the meat grinder. But we are working making sausage. Have made 70lb so far. Eight different kinds. Four they like. Four they don't. Only making the ones they like right now. Have 55 lbs of bacon curing which will be smoked in the smoker Saturday.

I have stayed within my budget which is quite amazing considering how I have never done any business here.   But this piece didn't fit. I have gone ahead and had it done as I don't have much choice.  But that takes away from operating the costs of the shop and rent. At this time I have all other costs covered till June 18th  and small amont to open with.  Doing okay there. Our opening day is May 9th. We will have plenty in stock at that time. Pray that the Lord blesses this ministry!

If any one feels moved to help out in the electrical cost it would be a very big blessing to me and many others. I do know the Lord will get us through this as it is just a bump in the road. Easy to believe when the blessings are falling on you. A little harder when you have to wait to see them.

If any one chooses to support the electrical funds they should to send to Mosaic Ministries and be noted for electrical. You can do this through our website  or go right to

Also pray for me to work with the Cambodians at their pace, not mine. Hard to do. Have to go/work/socialize slowly, slowly. Move them to better work habits. And I need to constantly remember this is God's business ministry. I need to slow down! Pray, for that is the most important.
God bless all!


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