Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Let me see... more thoughts

Well let me see what I can add to what I already said.      

I don't think classes should be held on company ground. Would make it seem more like it wasn't theirs.  

The most important thing is for it to be theirs as much as ours. Also it would be good to have a model program so that others could be taught how it works. So others could go do it someplace else.  That would be hard to do if doing at someone's. Family don't have to control  but need to be able to work it so it is the most effective. 

Not sure what the costs would be but nothing compared to doing business in the States. Maybe 3000.  Not sure. Don't know what land cost to rent but feel this is the way to work it. It has been one of things I was worried about. Starting something with someone and just as things get going they decide they don't want to do it any more.  

This way we would be able to keep it going and improve on it as it goes. I don't really know much about how a co-op works so would need some one that could make a business plan for that. Need to know how the profit is divided and what each person will get for what they raising.  Co-op would get share for managing, buying supplies, book keeping, etc...  We would want a plan to show the difference if they stay with co-op or if they go on there own.  I am going to be talking with some different ones about prices and marketing.  Now that I have a direction  to go.   Don't want to go that far until I know where, in what location, we are going to do something.   And just what we plan on doing. 

Sending this. You may find something in it to add to the last email. Leaving Kampong Chanang  at 7:30 am.  Takes about four hours to travel back to Kampng Cham. Should be online  about 10 pm your time. Need to have as many things written out as we can so it doesn't look like we are changing in the middle of the game. 

That is another point we need to consider.   They will think we are trying to get something over on them if they are not part of everything.  And the whole point is to make it so they can do it all. They don't need us there in putting the plan together.  But need us there so we know just what we want to be raising.  Also want to work with them doing things the way they have been with very few improvements added. 

More as time goes by.

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