Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fish, fish and more fish!

Where to start?

I just wrote this and lost it. Will try again.

I just spent 2 1/2 days with some NGOs. Eye opening.  Can't believe they do what they're doing knowing that when they leave things will most likely go back to how they were before they started. The reason is they never have enough time for their program to become a way of life. They just throw money at it and know while they're doing it, it most likely won't help but one or two people.  Not that they aren't doing some very good programs.  But if it is a grassroots thing not a lot hope for it.

The big programs i.e. medical hygiene and water they do very good at.   But trying to set up families in business is not one of their stronger points.  It takes too long. One can't get enough funding for small projects for the long haul.  They don't really want to spend that much time on one thing. They want to see things change fast. The ones doing the projects and the ones that are giving the money.  

I asked several from the NGOs "then why they do these projects."  The main reason is hope.  But also the money is there and someone's going to get its use. So might as well be them.  They do believe that if you are really going to make a change then what you need to do is live with the people. Become part of the village.  The respect you get is unreal. They know that you have given up comforts to live with them and try to help them. 

Another problem is NGOs and Christian both don't think in the terms of making money.  Making a business that is self sustaining.  Making a profit.  Why?  Because we get our money given to us.  It seem that NGOs and Christian, well some at least, are starting to think that it might be better if we teach them how to "fish" instead of "fish" for them. 

So after many hours of talking and running different things by each other this what we came up with.  

We don't want to start a fish pond with just one family at first. What has happened a lot in the past is the family says they will do it the way it is set up.  As soon as it is time to sell fish,  or they don't think they are getting enough,  they tell you that they don't want to do it any more. Even though you have a contract.  The only thing you can do is walk away. You could take them to court.  But why? Even if you won you would also lose.

No one in the village would want to do any thing with you. We would have to move and try again.  Or they just quit till you leave.  It is hard for us to understand.  But if you have never been in business or had enough to eat  then it would change the way you think. They look at the first money they get like someone who gets a big insurance settlement.  All the money in the world. 

They need so much and they have so little.  Don't have a clue about profit and loss.  So when they do get some they don't know how to handle it. No different than most.

So here is what three minds came up with.  

We should rent land for 3 to 5 years. This project is long term!

This would be a Co-op.  

About  4 acres. Enough for 5 to 8 ponds and room for two families and myself to live and take care of the fish ponds. 

Pay them 1.00 day plus a percentage of the profit.  

Have them take classes in business with a very strong Biblical principle.  

Want them to learn every aspect of business.  Want them to know where the money is going.

That was another thing about NGOs. They don't want people to see just how the money is spent.  It wouldn't look good. They say NGOs get the gold and we get the dirt.  If we rent the land we have control over it including how things are done.  

The key is to always involve the people in all aspects of the business.  They will be living with and helping run the company/ministry to the community so it won't be like it is solely ours. It will be everyones that stays involved.

We would make this our prototype, so to speak.  I believe this format could be copied in many communities.  Just need to see what each community needs. Not all will want to do fish.  Everybody in the village will be watching.

This would be Christian company with big cross in front so everybody knows it is Jesus making it all happen.

After about seven months should have sold two or three ponds of fish. By then we will start looking for families with land that want to join co-op. We would loan them the money to start at a low interest rate.  They would have to join and remain with the co-op until the loan was repaid. At that time they could choose to stay in or leave.  We believe they would see the benefit of the co-op.  At least that would be our hope.  

We would also do this with the Vietnamese. That would make the Cambodian and Vietnamese work together which they do not do at this time.  We believe that when other villages see what is happening, how families are doing better, and that Jesus does make a difference, many others will want to be involved.

This is the vision God gave me to change lives for Jesus through business. The path my have taken a different format but still the same.

The Perspectives Course we took said that having a compound was not a good idea cause then the people figure they're just there working for you. This is different. Everybody is working as a community to better their lives through income and the Lord. 

We have not run any costs on this yet. Just now figuring what path is the best one.    

Will let you go for now.

God bless!


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