Saturday, August 4, 2012


These photos are from a small Vietnamese village right outside Kampong Cham.

You can see what happens. You become the center of everything. Most of them have never had a photo.

I was asked to eat so I did. Wasn't too sure what it was. Fish of some kind. Didn't like it at all but I ate. 

Didn't have a translator so couldn't talk with them as far as eating.

Knom johl jet nahm bai! (I like to eat rice!) 

I know that!

1 comment:

  1. The greatest thrill when I travel to Asia is finding the people that can cook native dishes. In every village there are several, sometimes many, and they can really surprise you!! What a joy to hear of David and Mark entering into this culture to share Jesus Christ. I am interested in the water purification projects- I would like to take ceramic cartridges like you folks are using in Cambodia to the people in the Pangasinan Province, Philippines.....I sure hope we can stay in touch so I can learn more about this from you....blessings....Bill Easley
