Monday, July 8, 2013

The Sleeping Lady

Been a week since I last updated, sorry for the delay! I'm starting to have more of a routine here now though . We have Bible study first thing in the morning and then I help out some with the restaurant, then prepare for class and teach Monday through Friday. The amount of students has grown some, I probably have somewhere between 60-70 between the three classes, changes day to day so it's hard to keep track. Just trying to get all their names down has been hard enough, but I'm working at it! We started reading through the Gospel of John, just taking the book a few verses at a time from the beginning each day. We read through it in both English and Khmer and then I'll try to sum it up and explain it as best as I can using small words. That's why it helps to do a book by John and not Paul. 

Went to teach in the village on Friday with Sina again and thought it would be the same as last week but he just stepped back and told me to go ahead and teach. The problem was I had nothing planned since I though he was teaching again and I was there to help him out. Just tried to think on my feet and I think it went pretty well considering the circumstances. It helps to pray before all the classes, knowing that God is in control of all the classes instead of me. Lost a bit of weight since being here, couldn't tell until I saw some of the photos taken of me teaching. There aren't any scales to know how much exactly, but I'm sure the change in diet is to blame.

Practicing some conversations in English
I was able to find an Ipod charger in town with no problems for only three dollars but the when I asked for contact lense solution nobody knew what I was talking about. Nobody here wears contacts. Should have thought of that before only bringing a travel-size container of solution.. I did remember my glasses though so I'm set!

Met with my friend Lai on Saturday and took him downtown for some fried noodles. He wanted to take me to the top of Kong Rei, the mountain outside of town pictured below. The mountain has a lot of mythology attached to it from Cambodian folklore, and the people believe the mountain to be a giant sleeping woman was was abandoned by her lover in the story of the Twelve Sisters. I thought that all the legend attached to it was really interesting, and they had a temple near the top of the mountain with a pictureboard showing the story of the mountain. Sad thing is, I forgot to bring my camera with on the trip! 

"The Sleeping Lady" from the riverfront in Kampong Chhnang
Sunday I went to Pastor Vuthy's church for the morning service. A South Korean Methodist group provided them with the money to build a brand new building less than a year ago. I went back later in the afternoon to give a message to the youth at the church. It was the first time I've preached before a youth group, and they didn't speak my language so that made things a bit different. Kayma, the pastor's wife, translated to Khmer for me, but I feel like some of it may have been lost in translation. I tried to use short words! The pastor asked me to do it again next weekend, which is great, I just think they like that I speak English without too much of an accent since they're all trying to learn it. Gives them a chance to practice. At least that was what he told me afterward. Either way it was a good experience!

Got another week of classes ahead, gotta do some more prep for that. If you could pray for my ministry to my students since that's who I spend most of my time with. That I would rely even more on Christ while I am here in prayer as well. Prayer is so important and vital to our growth in Christ, and I know that I have so much room for growth. Also pray for my friend Saran, he told me today that a few of his family members were involved in a moto accident yesterday, but don't have the money to pay for any kind of hospital work to be done. Breah prah tiempoh!

- BM

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