Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kids...tough love...grace

First problem with the kids in the house.

Let me give you a little background. I thought they were at a dorm.  Well, that was the way it started seven years ago but it has turned into more of a orphanage. Just like Sara said it would.   

it turns out that these kids have been there four years. Many bad habits. What happens is they get everything given to them so they don't know how to get along in the real world. Soe Pean (sorry if spelling isn't correct) is 17 and will not do any thing unless he is told.  Will watch everyone work but just sit there. So yesterday  I talked with Chinda about the situation. She said she knew. I asked why aren't you doing something about it. Her response: The only reason they are here is because of you. If I were here by myself I wouldn't have them.  

I did not come to do orphanage work. I came to do business. So after we talked for about two hours I decided he (Soe Pean) needed to leave for a few weeks. See if he liked living in the village with his family. Fishing and farming. I told him before he left that he had three choices.  Go home and be a farmer, find another orphanage,  or grow up and be the leader of the other two younger ones. It is Khmer New Year so school is out until the15th of April.  It is a good time for this to happen. I think it is a "God thing."  It is up to him to decide what he is going to do.  Pray along with us that the Lord speaks to him. In America we say "one bad apple spoils the box." Here they say "One bad fish make them all smell bad." Have to get ride of the bad fish.  

This was not a easy thing to do. It is so good to help. What a blessing. But sometimes tough love is the best love. I do know, that after today, everybody knows this is not an orphanage.  And on that, here is another note on a couple of orphanage here that were closed down. You can read it in the Phnom Penh Post English newspaper. You can get it online.

One of the orphanages is in Phnom Penh the other in Siem Reap. Both are Christian orphanages. Both closed because of sexual abuse by the directors. Both are being investigated for trafficking in children. Does not make Jesus look real good. 

So making the choice I had to make was very hard.  If you want to no more about orphans in Cambodia  email me and I will send links to those that are trying to really make a difference. Also John has some insight on it.

Easter was a hard day but also very blessed at church today. They showed Compassion of Christ. I don't care how many time I see that it always has a profound effect on me.  Where would we be if Jesus decided it was just a little to hard. If He chose not to go to the cross. We all no He could have. But He didn't. I whine when things don't go my way. He didn't say a word as they scourged Him to death. 

I am so unworthy of his grace. I am so blessed He doesn't see it that way.     

The stone was rolled away! And I am in Cambodia!

God bless you all.

Pray for Soe Pean.  

On a lighter note this gives a whole new meaning to getting mileage out of your moto.

Last one of me. very hot today 42c  107f  And April doesn't start for for a few more hours. Then starts to cool off.  By June you are really looking forward to rain. Hasn't rained since Christmas. When they say rainy seanons and dry seasons they mean it.

Bye for now from God's country. But then, it all is!


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