Friday, January 25, 2013

Bacon Story

When I first went to the village and talked to them about fish ponds, they asked if I wanted to raise pigs. I said I didn't, that I had done it before and it was a lot of work.  Also cost a lot to go into big production. And the pork prices here fluctuate a lot.  One time you make money the next you lose. That's because Vietnam imports a lot. They flood the market.  So of course they would do what I want.  They don't have any money to do any thing. Forgot what I heard said in Perspective Course: ask them what they want and help them do it. 

Pastor Rith and I go to breakfast 3 or 4 time a week to one of the nicer hotels. Usually have omelet and bacon.  One morning they were out of bacon.  And then again when we went back the lady said she hadn't been to Phnom Penh to get more.  I mentioned I could make it.  That surprised the pastor. Didn't think any more of it.  Then a few days later go back to breakfast. Still no bacon. Pastor asked if I could really make it. I said sure. I had made it for years at home.  That surprised him more.  The only bacon comes from Thailand is $ 5.00 lb.  Only the rich can buy it. Most is sold in foreign restaurants and Lucky's supermarket (big store that mainly sells foreign foods. Everything expensive)   

Well a few days later Pastor asked if I would make some.  I said would think about it.  Had to see what smoker would cost made from 55 gallon barrel and the meat and if could the ingredients to make it here.  I had a pre paid visa that I had before I opened bank account.  I spent my saving right away moto bike phone clothes other thing would need.  Took five days at beach South China Sea.  You would have to spend a few days there to know how beautiful it is. Spent the time figuring out  just where the Lord wanted me.

In the six months I have been here I have had to use my prepaid a little each month. Wasn't going to touch it but there were things that needed to be done and the money I am getting was used up early most months.  Didn't have to use a lot. Well I got my balance and there was still a balance of $325 left.  So decided to check it out see if I could do it.   I knew I had to fund it. But also knew that it would be ten, maybe one hundred times bigger than fish ponds.    

The reason I choose fish farm was it was the only way I could see to make money here to support the ministry. The Lord put on my heart to help the Vietnamese on the Mekong River. Build a boat to support it. Fish would take around two years to make enough to start that. Thus I relayed  to all.  Fromm time you put the fish in the pond it is six months to harvest. Would stock a pond every month so would income every month. When I talked to all at Mosaic and others, the cost to do this was $2500/month.  That was able to be whittled down to $1700.    Wasn't worried.  Knew that if the Lord wanted it done it would happen. Might take longer but would happen. 

Cost to test bacon.  Barrel 15 dollars. To have made into smoker 50 to 75. Now I had to go to Phnom Penh to see what could and could not find.  This I knew would cost around 100 as I would have to stay a few days and pay tuktuk to run around all day.  All day in tuktuk 30. The last day John was here spent 45 including his trip to airport.

So after three days find most of what need.  Biggest thing, potassium nitrate, can not get here. Was able to buy  enough to do about 40 lbs from Dan's meats. He smokes it here but charges over $5/lb. Only sells to best restaurants and expats. I needed to able to make with everything could get here except potassium nitrate. Knew after Phnom Penh would have to import that but a little goes along way. If pure only takes teaspoon for 50 lbs.  Couldn't find meat or BBQ thermometer. Very important to have.  Bacon can not cook over 200 F or you cook the fat and you have roast pork.  And with it being 90 to 100 here every day will be hard to keep temperature down. Cost of trip for three days 140.  Back to Kampong Chanang.

Found palm molasses. Never even knew they made it. Couldn't find cane molasses. Have smoker made.  Make first batch. Cook at too high temp and way to salty and the wood they have to smoke with is very strong. Way too smokey. They have sea salt here. Is damp and very concentrated.  Next batch better cooked at low enough heat.  Should take 3 hours at 200F. But was afraid of over cooking. Took five hours. Less salt. More sugar and molasses.  Smoke for half the time.  Much better.  Still too smokey and just a little salty. 

Took some to Andy when had meeting about what we would do when John came. They liked it but agreed too smoky and salty. Two more batches. Last batch only cured for three days. Been curing  six days as did at home, but no matter what do still too salty. And only putting smoke to it for one hour.  Wow! Got it very good. Everybody loves it and wants me to start today.  But no way I can. Need freezers, slicer, grinder to make sausage. Have to make sausage. When you buy you always have trimmings. Have been giving them to Chinda.  For first batches Chinda gave away to poor families. Was good if made in stew or soup. But not plain.  Doing 50 to 100 lbs a day will have about 10 lbs of trimmings every day. So need to make sausage. 

In Phnom Penh pork sells for 2.00 lb. 
Kampoung Chanang 1.75  
Out in the village 1.25  

cost to cure would be 10 cents/lb  
labor at 50 lbs a day 10 cents over head 40 cents/lb inculdes house, electricity
taxes 20 cents/lb. 
that comes to 80 cents/lb cost.  
Added 20 cents/lb which brings it to a $1/lb production      

$1.25/lb pork  
$1.00 production  
total cost 2.25/lb 
selling for 3.25/lb 
leaves $1/lb profit not including sausage  

figuring 15% waste skin and fat.  
the skin sells for 90 cent/lb 
lard sells for 50 cents/lb  

No waste. None. They make a soup out of the skin. They say it tastes very good. Personally, I don't think so. I can eat it but would rather not.     

50 lbs/day 26 days a month 
Will not work Sundays. Most do.   

Would profit 1300/month. At half of that it is very good. Talking with seven restaurants here in Kampong Chanang that want to buy. Police and friends of the pastors. People in church.  I feel that within two months we would do that here in Kampong Chanang at 3.25/lb. 

About 1/3 to1/2 the people could afford it. 
10,000 live in Kampong Chanang.   

Andy wants me to sell it in Phnom Penh through Diamond Project. They feel they would sell much more than that. I don't feel I could supply them for 4 or 5 months. Would have to get up to production. Would wholesale to them for $3/lb.   

This would employ 5 to 10 people with in six months. Make the money to do fish ponds and filters much faster.  Six fish ponds puts one person to work besides myself.  Once fish are in the pond, have to make fish food and feed. This would take two hours every other day.  And feed them three times a day. Two years before could start other ministries. I wouldn't do the fish farm but would put two ponds at church in village. Use solar we have working there for them. They already have one pond.   

The vision has not changed at all. Just the way to support it . I didn't plan this. I believe it is totally God lead.  Too many peices came together without any effort.  The cost is the same as fish ponds but this will allow for the investment to be paid back in a timely manner.  Fish ponds would take four or five years to pay back loan. That is no reason to do it.  But it is a plus. 

I had no desire to live in a house like this or do this but I really believe it is what should be done.

Other reasons for this:
1  Will have other ministries distribute. Would sell to them for $3/lb. They sell for $3.50 to $3.75/lb. depending on were they are.  Phnom Penh and the four other major tourist cities would be the highest priced. This would give them a way to support themselves or at least help them a lot.  

2  Employ many more people.  There really is no end to it. Thailand is importing over 2000 pounds a day. That would require a factory employing I don't know how many, but a lot! That is a few years away if we wanted to take it that far.

3  Would have contract growers raise the pigs so could guarantee them a good price for their pork. 

4  Be a example to business here that if you treat your workers good and pay fare wage they will work better and want the company to do better.  I would want to have profit sharing for employees.

If anyone has any questions please email or skype.   
God bless,


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